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At GOC, promoting the goodness of chess and its flavour to every player and enthusiast is our primary motive of existence.Play tournaments for free and with real money.Challenge your peers to a game for free or with real money.Fully verified human players with NO BOTS.Learn stratergies and improve your game.Find the right sponsors to help your progress in real life.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • A chess set will have a total of 32 pieces, with 16 white and 16 black pieces on either side of the chessboard.

  • King Queen

    Rook (looks like a castle) Bishop

    Knight (looks like a horse) Pawn

  • Rook - Rook is the second most powerful chess piece. In chess, each player has 2 rooks. A rook moves horizontally and vertically both back and forth.
    Bishop - In chess, each player has 2 bishops. A bishop can move backward as well as forward but only on the diagonals. Note that a bishop on a light-colored square can move only on the light-colored square. While the bishop on the dark-colored square can move only on the light-colored square.
    Queen - A queen which is generally considered the most powerful chess piece. In chess, each side has only 1 queen. Can move both horizontally, vertically as well as diagonally, front and back. However, a queen can’t jump like a knight, and neither can a queen move like a knight!
    Knight - Knight is a special chess piece because, in chess, it is the only piece that can jump over other pieces. In chess, each player has 2 knights. A knight moves in a typical L shape pattern. First, it moves two steps straight and then quickly takes a turn on the immediately adjacent square.
    King - King is the most valuable chess piece on the chessboard. In chess, each side has only 1 king.A king moves in any direction but only up to one square. Pawn - Pawn is the smallest and the least powerful piece in chess. In chess, each player has 8 pawns. A pawn can only move one step forward throughout the entire game. However, on the first move of the pawn, a player is allowed to move the pawn two steps if he or she wants. Note that a pawn can’t move backward. In fact, it is the only chess piece that can’t move backward.

  • Whenever a pawn reaches the last rank of the opposite side of the board then the player can replace that pawn with either of these four chess pieces, queen, knight, rook, or bishop. This is known as pawn promotion. Remember that the pawn can’t be replaced with another king nor with another pawn. Also, it is not mandatory to replace the pawn with your previously captured pieces.

  • 8 Pawns go in second to last row
    2 Rooks (Castles) go in the corner
    2 Knights (not Horses) sit next to Rooks
    2 Bishops go next to the Knights
    Light Queen sits on a light square, Dark Queen sits on a dark square
    One square left open for the King

  • From the vantage point of each opposing player, the square to the far left, in the nearest row, is always black.